Preserved Lemons

Preserved Lemons

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Due to staff illnesses we are having to reduce our shops hours this week. Please call Cheryl on 027 2706455 if you are planning a trip to the shop.

However many lemons you need to fill your jar.  Ensure you use un-waxed lemons.
Enough non-iodised sea salt to fill the rest of your jar.
sterilized 1 litre jar

1. Pour 2 tablespoon salt into the bottom of the jar.
2. Wash the lemons.
3. Quarter the lemons from top to bottom.
4. Generously sprinkle salt all over the lemons.
5. Pack the lemons into the jar so tight that the juice is squeezed from them and fills up the jar. Fill any gaps with extra salt.
6. Seal the jar and let sit at room temperature for 2 week
7. Rinse the preserved lemons and remove the pulp before slicing or chopping the rind for use in your dish

Easy peasy, and a great way to add some kopow to a dish.



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